What To Expect + Frequently Asked Questions
Our Approach
In Him Christian Wellness is a faith-based agency.
The Christian perspective is foundational to how we care for people. Prayer and Scripture are utilized according to the comfort level of each client.
In Him Christian Wellness is an evidenced-based practice.
Interventions are based on what is considered to be best-practice for the issues presented.
In Him Christian Wellness focuses on wellness.
People are not compartmentalized beings. Body, mind, and spirit are integrated and interactive aspects of life and each can significantly influence how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.
What to Expect
When you call In Him Christian Wellness’s intake number, you will reach one of our intake team members and they will help answer any questions. For new clients, we will help determine the rate/check on insurance, set you up with a Therapy Notes portal, and send you the necessary intake forms needing to be processed before your first session. You will also be assigned to a counselor that is the best fit for you who will then complete your intake session at your first appointment.
Those forms for intake include:
General information about you including contact info, family info and history of problem.
Directions to our office
Confidentiality information and consent forms
Financial agreement
Our policies and procedures
Covid-19 and/or Telehealth waivers (if applicable).
Credit Card Authorization
Authorization to Release Information (Talk to your clinician about these forms. You may or may not receive these ahead of time).
Each appointment lasts approximately 50 minutes. This allows time for necessary paperwork and charting to be completed for that session.
Following your first appointment, you will be given the opportunity to schedule with that therapist OR share your preferences to schedule with another therapist (we do our best to schedule clients with therapists based on needs and preferences of the client and experience or focus of clinician, to provide best fit).
Things to Know
Each therapist keeps their own schedule, and we are not all in our respective offices at the same times or on the same days of week, therefore, we do not always see each other daily.
Regarding communication with your therapist or clinician: If a client has a question or concern about his or her care, he or she should contact his or her clinician directly to address it. Each therapist has his or her own phone number and email address. You are also welcome to contact our Executive Director with any questions or concerns.
If utilizing more than one service or seeing more than one clinician, we will communicate regarding situations that require integration of services. But again, if you have questions or concerns about specific issues, please communicate directly with that clinician.
All payments are due at time of service. If you choose to pay online, using your Therapy Notes portal, you will be charged by our billing department the day after services. If you pay by cash, check, or PayPal, our preference is that you pay directly prior to or following your appointment. Please let your clinician know when the payment has been made.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does “faith-based” mean?
We are a distinctively Christian organization, in that Scripture informs our perspectives and practices, and we exist to extol Christ and to help others find abundant life in Him. “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We rely on the work of the Holy Spirit to provide wisdom and direction as we seek to glorify God and care for others (John 16:13).
If I’m not a Christian, how can this benefit me, and will I feel comfortable receiving your services?
There may come a time in which you feel uncomfortable due to spiritual differences or purely because of the dynamics of personal change. A good therapeutic relationship involves honest relationship, so we encourage our clients to openly discuss those times with us. Our job is to “walk alongside of you” so that you’re able to reflect and evaluate your life in an emotionally safe environment.
What are “evidence-based” practices?
We are professionals who have been trained to use techniques that have been researched to be effective. Active listening is significant to establishing rapport with our clients so that we gain a deeper understanding of the issues and so that our clients trust us. You will take an active part in establishing goals and will be informed of therapeutic interventions used. If our services are not a good fit for you, we will gladly provide referral options.
What does “wellness” mean?
We’ve all felt bad after eating too much of the “wrong” thing. We’ve all experienced a loss of appetite or “emotional eating”. If we can help you take some positive steps systemically, we believe you can experience faster symptom relief and life changes that will promote well-being.
How do you address divorce?
God speaks of a oneness in marriage that should not be broken (Matthew 19:5-6). He also speaks of times in which divorce is allowed (1 Corinthians 7:15, Matthew 19:9). If you are a Christian, we will convey Scriptural truths regarding the issue and encourage you to walk in a manner that glorifies God. We encourage participation by both parties, so that we can more fully understand the situation and help you move toward being at peace with God and man. Hope and healing is available and possible for you. If you are not a Christian, you can find hope and healing from Scriptural truths, yet the therapeutic focus will be to help you process healthy steps according to your core values. We will not encourage or promote self-destructive courses of action.
How do you address sexuality issues?
We’ll actively listen to your story with empathic understanding and will encourage you to walk in a manner that helps you experience abundant life. Gender and sexuality are important topics to honestly consider and address, because they speak to the core issues of personal identity and purposes of God. We also find that many people experience some type of brokenness and hurt in life surrounding sexuality. We believe that gender is defined by God (Genesis 1:27) and sexual activity is a behavior that is provided by God for the purposes of marital satisfaction, purity (1 Corinthians 7:3-5) and procreation (Genesis 1:28). We recognize that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), including us. We will approach these issues with sensitivity and humility, yet we will not encourage or promote self-destructive courses of action.